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Village of Shorewood Hills
Friday December 27th, 2024 :: 08:50 a.m. CST


Wanted: Residents for ad hoc Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Committee

Attention Shorewood Hills Residents: We are looking for committee members to help address Village-wide vehicle, bike, and pedestrian safety. The VOSH has won a Federal DOT grant as part of a Safe Streets for All (SS4A) initiative and will be developing a VOSH “Safety Action Plan” over the course of the next year. We are forming an ad hoc committee to address the objectives of this grant and are looking for a few more resident committee members who are committed to helping us address Village-wide pedestrian, bike, and traffic safety issues. Note that this is the planning stage, not actual construction.
Your commitment will involve attending monthly meetings (1-2 hours via Zoom or in-person) and working with other committee members to help address the goals and objectives of the grant. We will be hiring a consultant to do much of the heavy lifting in forming and writing the Action Plan, but will need committed committee members to help identify and document traffic problem areas within the Village and help with developing solutions to the problems.
Bob Falk and Robb Stankey, trustees representing the Public Health & Safety and Public Works Committees, respectively, will be co-leading this ad hoc committee. If interested in helping out, please contact either Bob or Rob at: [email protected] or [email protected] and let them know in a few sentences why you would like to be on the committee and what Village wide traffic, bicycle, or pedestrian issues are of most interest to you. If you have specific experience in traffic issues that would be great, but not required.

Village of Shorewood Hills
801 Shorewood Blvd
Madison, WI 53705

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 608-267-1110

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