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LASD - South Los Angeles Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Tuesday December 31st, 2024 :: 10:25 a.m. PST


New Year’s Eve PSA: Celebratory Gunfire

Celebrate responsibly. Choose safe ways to ring in the New Year and help protect your community

Shooting guns into the air is illegal and extremely dangerous. What goes up must come down, and those bullets can cause serious injury or even death.

Celebratory gunfire is not a tradition—it’s a crime. Law enforcement will take action against anyone found firing a gun into the air, and the penalties are severe.

Remember: If you see or hear gunfire, report it immediately by calling 911. Let’s make safety our priority this New Year’s Eve.

LASD - South Los Angeles Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
1310 W Imperial Hwy
Los Angeles, CA 90044

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 323-820-6700

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