Snow Storm, 1/6/2025, 7am Arrival, 2-4", Wind Chill 8 Degrees. 
Happy Sunday!
We are right on the border for this storm. Could be as much as 4" and as little as nothing. For us, look at a 7am start. So don’t be excited if you wake up and its clear. Please prepare snow throwers, Teenagers, Ice Melt.
West Windsor Officers will be monitoring conditions and Public Works crews will be on standby in case they are needed for ice or snow.
Stay safe & warm!
Chief Garofalo
#stayhomeandwarm #keepinside #fluffernutter #thereisnoshovelapp
Storm Update:
- Timing:
- Monday 7am start. Light snow or flurries may linger as late as Monday evening.
- Olaf Index (Snow): 5,
- 2 to 3 Inches of heavy snow. Followed by some sleet and ice. If there is heavy snow, Don’t shovel it yourself! Engage the Teenager-Shovel-App. As I stated earlier, keep giving them Fluffernutters for lunch and breakfast Monday so they are primed and ready.
- Dorothy Index (Wind): 8, Confirmed: 20 to 25 MPH Wind gusts. Small dogs should be secured to larger dogs or medium sized children. As always keep pets inside safe and warm. It is a crime in NJ to leave dogs out and our Humane Law Enforcement Officers will be paying you a friendly visit if you do. Except for Huskies, those dogs are crazy for the snow! LOL! (But they need a warm house too!)
- Elsa Index (Ice):8, Elsa is fired up and has partnered with Snow Miser as the Wind Chill will be ice cold at 8 degrees! I'm actually playing the Snow Miser song as I write this.
- Roads: Use Caution. If you see snow, it's dangerous. Drive Slow or even better, turn around, go home, make a nice hot chocolate and Zoom to work! I will sign any work permission slips needed. (Signed Epstein's Mother)
- #thereisnoshovelapp
- #fluffernutter
As of 1/5/2025 at 11am
- Road Conditions: Roads treated
- Bridges: Treated
- Schools: No Change
- Recycling: - No Change
- Garbage: No Change
- Twp Offices: No Change
- State of Emergency: None
- Travel Ban: None
- Towing Orders for Highways: None
- Residents are encouraged to prepare for the storm by securing loose items, stocking up on food and needed supplies, charging your phones, tablets, and other mobile devices, and staying off the road during the storm period.
- Be mindful of the possibility of large tree limbs or trees falling due to wind gusts. There will likely be debris in roadways, use extra caution while driving after the storm subsides.
- Residents are urged to stay away from any downed wires, and treat all downed wires as “live” even if power appears to be out in the area.
- Prevention Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Do not run any fuel-powered generators in a garage or other enclosed space or near windows. This is a good time to test battery-powered smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
- Township Property Owners are Responsible for Snow Removal on Sidewalks within 24 hours after the cease of snowfall per Municipal Code 152-18:
- Township Property Owners Shall not place snow or ice on Township Streets per Municipal Code 152-19:
- Please remove your vehicle from the street when snow is forecasted.
- Please avoid driving on during or immediately after a heavy snowstorm. The less traffic plow operators encounter, the more efficiently the roads can be cleared.
- Please place your garbage/recycling cans on your property and Not on/in street. Objects such as portable basketball hoops and hockey nets, etc. should be removed from the street to avoid being damaged by snow plows.
- DEP Weather Ready -
For Further Details:
- Monitor the latest weather forecasts at
- Report non-emergent wires or trees down, or other non-emergency calls to West Windsor Police (609) 799-1222
- Report all Emergencies (wires down sparking, trees into homes or buildings, utility emergencies, cars trapped in water, etc) by calling 9-1-1.
- As a reminder, do not rely on email or social media to report these issues, even if they seem minor or non-emergent. Please always call the non-emergency number if you are concerned and don’t believe it is an emergency situation warranting a 9-1-1 call.
- Flooding Real-time Date
- Other Utility Contact Information:
- PSE&G 1-800-436-7734
- JCP&L 1-888-544-4877 (1-888-LIGHTSS)
- Comcast 1-800-266-2278 Website
- Verizon FiOS 1-888-438-3467 Website
- New Jersey American Water 1-800-272-1325 Website
- Carbon Monoxide
- Any gas appliance can be a source of carbon monoxide, a dangerous gas that deprives the body of oxygen, resulting in serious injury or death. Don't use a gas stove as a source of heat, as this increases the likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure the stove is vented to the outside and the vent it not blocked. Install a carbon monoxide detector in homes where gas appliances, including gas stoves, are being used.
West Windsor Police Department, NJ
271 Clarksville Rd
West Windsor Township, NJ 08550
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 609-799-1222
Chief Robert Garofalo PhD(c) #143
[email protected]
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP WWPD followed by your message, to 888777