Bulk Garbage is being collected this week - on your regular garbage day! 
Bulky Garbage will be collected this week on YOUR Regular Garbage Day. Please check your new 2025 Calendar that you should've received in the mail or our town website www.hawthornenj.org.
You can also pick up a "pink' 2025 Recycling Town Calendar at the Borough Hall in any of our offices.
You are allowed up to six (6) bulky items such as furniture, mattresses, box springs, toilets, sinks.
No metal or recyclable items is to be put with the garbage bulky items.
If you have recycling items such as metal, electronics or appliances you can bring them to the Recycling Center which is open Mon - Sat.
8:30 - 4 pm or Sunday 11-3 pm. You could call our Recycling Office to schedule a pick up 973.427.5330.
Thank you.
Borough of Hawthorne NJ
Hawthorne Municipal Complex
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-427-1168
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP HAWTHWIRE followed by your message, to 888777