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Borough of Hawthorne NJ
Tuesday January 7th, 2025 :: 12:04 p.m. EST


Be mindful of putting cardboard out at the curb on windy days like today!

This week for recycling at the curb for collection is cardboard.  

Please be mindful that on windy days like today, the cardboard should be broken down, flattened and in a bigger box (or recycling can) for the recycling truck crew to pick up.   

We want to keep Hawthorne clean, so if you see cardboard or other recycling on the streets, please be kind and pick it up to help your neighbor.    Please check the 2025 town calendar for more information on recycling.

Thank you!

Borough of Hawthorne NJ
Hawthorne Municipal Complex
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-427-1168

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