Take Five Briefing – 1/7
The purpose of the annual Reorganizational Meeting is to install duly elected members of the governing body, take care of necessary “housekeeping,” and chart the course for the upcoming year. By statute, the meeting must be held within the first seven calendar days of January. Below are a few highlights:
1) Election of Council Members and Council President – Council Member Stephany Kim-Chohan was administered the oath of office by New Jersey Assemblyman Sterley Stanley to serve another three-year term on the Borough Council. She was also elected Council President, assuming the position from Matthew Hersh who will continue to serve on Borough Council. Additionally, Mayor Foster administered the oath of office to new Council Member Norma Iris Vargas, to serve a three-year term on the Borough Council. Ms. Vargas is the first Latina elected to the Highland Park Borough Council and will lead the Recreation & Arts Committee. She will also serve as liaison to the Arts Commission, Council on Aging, Historical Commission, Recreation Advisory Committee, and Municipal Alliance.
2) Adoption of Mission Statement – Every year, the Borough Council adopts a mission statement to guide its policy decisions in the upcoming year. Below is the 2025 mission statement of the Borough of Highland Park:
The mission of the Highland Park Borough Council is to establish a government based upon the principles of good government: ethics, efficiency and the effective provision of services. The Borough Council is committed to creating a thriving community, which is sustainable economically, environmentally and socially. The Borough Council is further committed to creating a community which values its unique and diverse populations and encourages direct public participation in the governing process.
3) State of the Borough Address – Mayor Foster delivered the annual “State of the Borough” address to highlight successes from 2024 and big plans for 2025. During her remarks, Mayor Foster expressed tremendous gratitude to the hardworking staff, Council, and volunteers of Highland Park.
Notable successes from 2024 include the opening of several new businesses, such as our new supermarket, SuperFresh; DeeDee’s Pizza (formerly Highland Pizza), MeeTu Tea and Flower Shop, China Lee Restaurant, Giddy’s Pizza, and more! The Borough completed renovations on two major facilities: the Community Center, and the Public Library. Moreover, work was completed on the Felton Ave Tot Lot, thanks in part to grant funding from the Middlesex County Open Space Trust Fund, bringing neighbors together to enjoy this gem of a pocket park.
The Mayor forecasted that 2025 will be a remarkable year for redevelopment, infrastructure reinvestment, and economic activity in Highland Park. The Borough looks forward to completing the designs and starting construction on the public plaza on South 3rd Avenue, thanks to a generous $1 million grant from the State of New Jersey. We expect to receive a fourth year of Neighborhood Preservation Program funding, which will allow us to continue improvements and business support along the Woodbridge Ave corridor. The New Jersey Department of Transportation anticipates proceeding with key elements of the much-needed road diet for Upper Raritan Avenue and we expect to get the first phase of our Safe Routes to School projects under construction in 2025 as well.
4) Standing Committees: Each council member was appointed to serve on three standing committees, chairing one of them. Standing committees provide the opportunity for council members to focus on the activities of specific departments and commissions and offer policy support as needed. Standing Committee appointments for 2025 are as follows:
- Philip George: Public Safety
- Matthew Hale: Economic Development & Planning
- Matthew Hersh: Public Works & Public Utilities
- Stephany Kim-Chohan: Finance
- Jason Postelnik: Health and Human Services
- Norma Vargas: Recreation and Arts
5) Appointment of Board & Commission Members – Members of the Borough’s volunteer boards, commissions, and committees were appointed and reappointed during the meeting. Boards, commissions, and committees are established by ordinance, which also outlines responsibilities, term length, and membership composition. If you are a resident interested in volunteering on a board, commission, or committee, you can go to hpboro.com/volunteer for more information and to fill out an application.
If you’re interested in watching the January 7th Council meeting, go to HPTV’S Youtube channel where the meeting will be posted in its entirety. The next meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21st at 7 p.m.
Highland Park Borough
Highland Park Municipal Building
Highland Park, NJ 08904
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-572-3400