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Lafayette Police Department
Friday January 10th, 2025 :: 09:56 a.m. PST


MOFD will be conducting a small prescribed fire project on the Moraga/Lafayette border near Sky Hy Drive 1/10/25.

MOFD will be conducting a small prescribed fire project on the Moraga/Lafayette border near Sky Hy Drive East of Moraga Road as part of the Tunnel/East Bay Hills Shaded Fuel Break on Friday (January 10). If air quality continues to be favorable, Firefighters from the Moraga-Orinda Fire District will be burning piled material in the open space along the ridge The project is scheduled to begin around 10:00 AM and should be concluded by 4:00 PM.
Pile burning is designed to reduce wildfire hazards, maintain the shaded fuel break and enhance conditions for native plants and wildlife.
MOFD is coordinating the burn with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Our goal is to ensure the project's objectives are met and operations are conducted safely and with minimal impact to the community. Safety is our number one priority. If burning conditions become unfavorable the project will be rescheduled. Residents in the area may see or smell smoke. Some smoke may be visible from Lafayette. Nearby residents should close exterior doors and windows to keep smoke from entering their homes.

MOFD will continue to provide information related to the project via NextDoor and MOFD’s Facebook page:

Lafayette Police Department
3471 Mt Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 925-299-3220

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