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City of Los Angeles - Emergency Management Department
Friday January 10th, 2025 :: 05:58 p.m. PST


Wildfire Evacuation Warning-Palisades Fire

This is a message from NotifyLA, issued by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department. People in the north east of the fire in the area of Sepulveda/Sapphire to Mulholland to Escalon to Action Rd/High Valley are in an evacuation warning area for the Palisades Fire, and are advised to prepare to evacuate. Back the car into the driveway, open garage doors, collected pets into one room so they are easier to gather, and put your “go bag” and other things you want to take with you in the car. If you are in the evacuation warning area and will need additional time to evacuate, leave now.  If you see sparks or embers in your neighborhood or feel threatened by the fire, leave now. Monitor local news, LAFD social media, and for the latest maps and info.
LAFD: Prepárese para evacuar debido al incendio Palisades Fire. Área con potencial de evacuación es Sepulveda/Sapphire-Mulholland-Escalon-Action Rd/High Valley. Se aconseja que todos los presentes preparen para evacuar. Junten suministros y su familia. Si es posible, abra las puertas del garaje, junte a las mascotas en una habitación para que sean más fáciles de reunir y coloque su “bolsa de emergencias” y otras cosas que desee llevar en el auto.  Si se encuentra en el área de advertencia de evacuación y necesitará tiempo adicional para evacuar, salga ahora.  Si ves chispas o brasas en tu vecindario o te sientes amenazado por el fuego, vete ahora mismo. Escuche las noticias locales, las redes sociales de LAFD y para obtener mapas y información más recientes.
Notify LA
City of Los Angeles


This is a message from NotifyLA via Nixle, issued by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department. People in Sepulveda/Sapphire-Mulholland-Escalon-Action Rd/High Valley are in an evacuation warning area for the Palisades Fire Fire, and are advised to prepare to evacuate. Back the car into the driveway, open garage doors, collect pets into one room so they are easier to gather, and put your "go bag" and other things you want to take with you in the car. If you are in the evacuation warning area and will need additional time to evacuate, leave now. If you see sparks or embers in your neighborhood or feel threatened by the fire, leave now. Monitor local news, LAFD social media, and for the latest maps and info.

LAFD: Preparese para evacuar el incendio Palisades Fire. Area con potencial de evacuacion es Sepulveda/Sapphire-Mulholland-Escalon-Action Rd/High Valley. Se aconseja que todos los presentes preparen para evacuar. Junten suministros y su familia. Escuche las noticias locales, las redes sociales de LAFD y para obtener mapas y informacion mas recientes.

City of Los Angeles

City of Los Angeles - Emergency Management Department
200 N Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Emergency: 9-1-1

Alert Details

Extreme - Extraordinary threat to life or property
Immediate - Responsive action SHOULD be taken immediately
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Geophysical (inc. landslide)

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