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McDowell County Sheriff's Office
Wednesday January 15th, 2025 :: 10:00 a.m. EST


Traffic Stop Leads to Meth Charge for Young

Traffic Stop Leads to Meth Charge for Young

Detective Matt Smith with the McDowell County Sheriff’s Office Community Impact Team charged 59-year-old Charles Joseph Young, Jr., of Marion with felony Possession of Methamphetamine. He was denied bond due to already being out on pretrial release.
On Friday, January 4, Detective Smith initiated a traffic stop on a Gold Honda Accord on Lake Tahoma Road after a short chase ensued. It was discovered by Smith that Young’s license had been revoked and he had two outstanding warrants for his arrest.
A subsequent search of the vehicle turned up a suspected amount of meth, marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

McDowell County Sheriff's Office
593 Spaulding Rd
Marion, NC 28752

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 828-652-2235

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