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SBSD - Headquarters
Monday January 13th, 2025 :: 03:39 p.m. PST


Off-Highway Vehicle Enforcement Operation Conducted in Several Areas; Over 1,200 Contacts Made to Educate Riders

DATE: January 11, 2025

INCIDENT: Off-Highway Vehicle Enforcement Operation

LOCATION: Juniper Flats, Deep Creek Spillway, “Honda Valley”, Deep Creek Flood Control Channel, Big Bear, Hannah Flats, Holcomb Valley

SUMMARY: On Saturday, January 11, 2025, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, the Sheriff’s Department’s Transit Operation Division held a large-scale, multi-jurisdictional, Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) enforcement operation. The operation included representatives from multiple stations including the Victor Valley Transit Detail, Victor Valley Station, Hesperia Station, Central Station, Morongo Basin Station, and Big Bear Station. San Bernardino County Code Enforcement, State Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Forest Service were also in attendance for the operation.

The operation focused on the ever-growing problem of illegal and unsafe OHV use in the area and throughout the county. Personnel focused on improper or unsafe driving and improper use of or failure to use appropriate safety equipment while driving. Personnel also educated off-roaders of legal OHV areas and proper driving, safety and off-road etiquette. 

During the operation, personnel made over 1,200 public contacts, wrote 84 citations for registration violations, helmet violations, driving without a license and other off-road and traffic related offences. 

Three arrests were made including the arrest of an Apple Valley resident who rode a stolen motorcycle. The investigation revealed the subject also had a felony warrant for his arrest for possession of a stolen vehicle.

One stolen vehicle was recovered, four vehicles were towed for various violations and five criminal reports completed.

The Sheriff’s Department and the Transit Operations Division would like to remind all those who want to enjoy our off-road areas, to do so responsibly, safely, respectfully, and in legal OHV areas.

Refer: Sergeant Simon DeMuri

Station: Victor Valley Transit Detail

Phone No. 760 552-6800

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Headquarters
655 E 3rd St
San Bernardino, CA 92408

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-387-3700

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