All Areas North Of Grandview Avenue - Do Not Use Tap Water For Drinking Or Cooking Until Further Notice.
Since the Eaton Fire began, the City has conducted a thorough evaluation of the water system to ensure its integrity and safety. Here’s what we’ve done:
As a precaution, and in coordination with the California State Water Resources Control Board, the Los Angeles County Health Department, and the City of Sierra Madre, we are advising residents on Grandview Avenue and north of Grandview, in Zones 1-16, 19, including the canyon areas:
We understand the concern this may cause, but this advisory is issued out of an abundance of caution to prioritize your health and safety.
Next Steps:
All Areas North Of Grandview Avenue - Do Not Use Tap Water For Drinking Or Cooking Until Further Notice. 
Water System’s Performance During the Fire:
First and foremost, we want to assure you that the City of Sierra Madre Water System has proven resilient in the face of the Eaton Fire.
- The City of Sierra Madre never lost system pressure in any water zone.
- Our critical water infrastructure sustained no damage during the event.
- Pressure was maintained in all zones throughout the system without any service interruptions.
Since the Eaton Fire began, the City has conducted a thorough evaluation of the water system to ensure its integrity and safety. Here’s what we’ve done:
- We conducted two rounds of routine bacteriological samples across the water system, and a third-party certified laboratory analyzed all samples.
- The results were clear—no coliform bacteria were detected in any of the samples.
- The City of Sierra Madre worked closely with the California State Water Resources Control Board in a joint effort to provide a safe supply of drinking water to our community.
As a precaution, and in coordination with the California State Water Resources Control Board, the Los Angeles County Health Department, and the City of Sierra Madre, we are advising residents on Grandview Avenue and north of Grandview, in Zones 1-16, 19, including the canyon areas:
- NOT TO USE TAP WATER FOR DRINKING OR COOKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. (Unsafe Water Alert is attached to this Nixle Alert)
We understand the concern this may cause, but this advisory is issued out of an abundance of caution to prioritize your health and safety.
- VOC testing will be underway soon, and we are working diligently with certified labs to obtain results as quickly as possible.
- Updates will be provided regularly through the City’s official website, social media platforms, and community bulletins.
All Areas North Of Grandview Avenue - Do Not Use Tap Water For Drinking Or Cooking Until Further Notice.
Sierra Madre Police Department
242 West Sierra Madre Boulevard
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-355-1414
Alert Details
- Severity:
- Severe - Significant threat to life or property
- Urgency:
- Immediate - Responsive action SHOULD be taken immediately
- Certainty:
- Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
- Category:
- Medical and public health
- Event:
- Boil Order