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LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
Saturday January 18th, 2025 :: 03:26 p.m. PST


*3rd Update* for Palisades Fire, Saturday, January 18th, 2025: Repopulation and Safety Guidelines

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is announcing an update for repopulation of communities impacted by the Palisades Fire effective 12:00 PM on Saturday, January 18, 2025. 
The following zones will be reopened to residents:
  • MCR-U021-C: North of Mesa Peak Motorway/Malibu Canyon Road and South of Mulholland Highway/Las Virgenes Road
All other road closures and evacuated areas for the PALISADES FIRE remain in effect. 

Resident access will be through the intersections of Las Virgenes Road/Mulholland Highway, Mesa Peak Motorway/Malibu Canyon Road, and Century Motorway/Las Virgenes Road.

Visit Genasys Protect to reference the zone map. 

Remember, utility workers are continuing to repair damages as you repopulate the area. Power, water, and gas utilities may still be affected. Please report any visible damage or strong odors like gas to utility providers immediately. Your safety remains our number one priority.
When re-entering the evacuated zones, please be prepared to show proof of residency, as only residents are allowed in at this time. Permitted re-entry documents include any government-issued ID showing your current address. If your address on your ID has not been updated to match the evacuated zone, you will need to bring additional proof of residency. Acceptable documents in this case include a recent utility bill, mortgage documents, property deed, or any other similar proof of ownership or residency.

Please ensure you have both your government-issued ID and one of these additional documents to facilitate a smooth re-entry process. 

The Los Angeles County Health Officer has issued a new order in preparation for fire recovery operations and to ensure the safe removal, transport, and disposal of fire debris resulting from recent wildfires. This order aims to protect public health and safety during the cleanup process for fire debris.

Fire debris removal activities must be approved and comply with local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The County has requested state and federal assistance to expediate recovery activities and ensure the safe removal of fire debris from structures damaged by the fires. More detailed information about the debris removal program will be released as it becomes available.  Please visit for ongoing updates and guidance.

For your safety, please drive carefully. Emergency crews are still working in the area. Stay alert, follow all traffic regulations, and proceed with caution.

The following link can be used to assist the public in determining if their property is in an area that can be entered: and searching for the PALISADES FIRE. The link connects users to an evacuation map, maintained by CalFire.

The Fire Incident Command continues to monitor the active fire areas, as well as those areas remaining closed due to critical infrastructure concerns or safety hazards.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department have a strong presence in the repopulated and evacuated areas for the next several days to ensure the protection of our residents and their property. All other road closures and evacuated areas for the PALISADES FIRE remain in effect.

Safety Tips for Returning to Fire-Affected Areas

As you prepare to return home after a fire evacuation, your safety remains our top priority. Please keep the following tips in mind to ensure a safe and smooth return:
  • Follow Official Guidance: Only return to your property when authorities have declared it safe to do so. Conditions can remain hazardous even after the fire is contained.
  • Inspect Your Surroundings: Be cautious of unstable structures, downed power lines, or weakened trees that may pose risks.  There may be uncleared hazards in the roadway.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: sturdy shoes, gloves, and a mask to protect yourself from debris, ash, and airborne particles.
  • Mind Health Hazards: Avoid direct contact with ash, which may contain toxic substances. If you have respiratory conditions, limit your exposure to ash and smoke, and use an N95 mask if necessary.
  • Check Utilities before use: Do not attempt to restore power, gas, or water until a professional has inspected the systems. Remember, utility workers are continuing to repair damages as you repopulate the area. Some of these utilities may remain unavailable. Your safety remains our number one priority. Please report any visible damage or strong odors like gas to utility providers immediately.
  • Document the Damage: Take photos and notes of any damage before beginning cleanup. This will be important for insurance claims or assistance requests.
  • Emotional Well-Being: Returning after a fire can be overwhelming. Take breaks, reach out to loved ones, and consider talking to a counselor or support group if needed.
Your safety and resilience are what matter most. If you have questions or need assistance, local resources and authorities are here to support you every step of the way.

For information regarding other municipalities affected by the Palisades fire, please visit:

City of Los Angeles
Palisades Fire | Los Angeles Fire Department
City of Santa Monica - Palisades Fire Updates

For more general safety information please visit the following websites:

Los Angeles County Palisades Fire Emergency
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Los Angeles County Public Health
Southern California Edison
The Southern California Gas Company
The Red Cross
Debris Removal |

Forwarded by:
Sheriff’s Information Bureau
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
211 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA  90012
Robert G. Luna, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
211 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 213-229-1700

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