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SBSD - Headquarters
Tuesday January 21st, 2025 :: 09:45 a.m. PST


Sheriff's HOPE Team Conducts Operation Shelter Me in Victorville: 30 People Referred to Assistance Programs

DATE/TIME: January 17, 2025 / 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

INCIDENT: Outreach Operation

LOCATION: City of Victorville   

SUMMARY: On Friday, January 17, 2025, from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Community Service & Reentry Division's Homeless Outreach Proactive Enforcement Team (H.O.P.E.) conducted "Operation Shelter Me" in the city of Victorville. This initiative aims to connect staff with unhoused residents, offering them housing, medical, and mental health treatment services. During this operation, the team focused on individuals with significant mental illnesses to link them to restorative mental health pathways.

Operation Highlights:

  • The H.O.P.E. Team located 41 individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • 30 individuals received referrals to assistance programs.
  • 21 individuals were assisted with follow-up professional services
  • 2 individuals were linked to housing placement. 
In June 2023, San Bernardino County opted into Laura’s Law, also known as Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT). Laura’s Law provides opportunities for court-ordered community treatment pathways for individuals with histories of hospitalization, incarceration, or violence. During this operation, three individuals were identified as candidates for assisted outpatient treatment.
The H.O.P.E. Team and other aligned resources will continue similar operations throughout the County over the next year, thanks to "Community Concerns" funding. This special funding, approved by the County Board of Supervisors, allows the Sheriff's Department to address topics of concern, such as homelessness and mental illness, for county residents.

If you know of individuals experiencing homelessness who need services, please contact the H.O.P.E. Team at 909-387-0623 or [email protected].

Refer: The H.O.P.E. Team
Station: Community Service & Reentry Division

Phone No. (909) 387-0623

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Headquarters
655 E 3rd St
San Bernardino, CA 92408

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-387-3700

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