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Highland Park Borough
Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 :: 03:30 p.m. EST


Take Five Briefing – 1/21

Here is the latest Take Five briefing from the January 21, 2025 meeting of the Mayor and Borough Council.

1) Ordinance Regulating Sump Pumps: The Borough Council introduced an ordinance to address sump pump discharges to prevent roadway hazards such as icing, standing water, and other nuisances. The regulations require all newly installed sump pumps to direct the discharge onto absorbent surfaces such as lawns and retention basins. Pre-existing sump pumps can remain as-is, provided they do not cause a hazard. Sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer system continue to be prohibited, and permits must be obtained for all new installations. The public hearing and vote on the ordinance is scheduled for the Tuesday, February 4th Borough Council meeting.

2) Revenue Share with Board of Education – 31 River Road: The Borough Council passed a resolution that allocates 60% of the annual service charge from the 31 River Road redevelopment project (now known as The Frederick) to the Board of Education. The resolution reflects the Borough Council’s ongoing commitment to supporting education through the redevelopment process.

3) New Affordable Housing Obligations: The Borough Council took the first formal step toward compliance with the state’s Fourth Round affordable housing rules by passing a resolution committing to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ (NJDCA) calculations for present and prospective need in Highland Park. With the numbers established, the Borough will now move toward developing its Housing Element and Fair Share Plan by June 30, 2025 in order to meet this obligation.  According to the NJDCA, the Borough’s Present Need Obligation is 209 units and the Prospective Need Obligation is 45 units.

4) Upper Raritan Avenue Road Diet: The Borough Council passed a resolution of support for the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s updated "Road Diet" plan for Upper Raritan Avenue. The plan includes reducing the road to two vehicle lanes, adding 5-foot bike lanes in each direction, and a center turn lane to enhance safety and accessibility. The Council also called for lowering the speed limit to 30 mph and requested additional signalized pedestrian crossings as part of the overall implementation.

5) Professional Services Agreement Renewals: The Borough Council approved the retention of key professional services for the Borough, including Borough Attorney, Borough Planner, Borough Auditor, Borough Prosecutor, Public Defender, and several more. These services are solicited through a Request for Qualifications process and are typically renewed annually at the beginning of the year.

If you’re interested in watching the January 21st Mayor and Council meeting, go to the HPTV Youtube channel where the video of the meeting will be posted in its entirety. The next meeting of Mayor and Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4th at 7:00 p.m.   

Highland Park Borough
Highland Park Municipal Building
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-572-3400

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