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SBSD - Highland Police Department
Thursday January 23rd, 2025 :: 12:32 p.m. PST


Deputies Respond to House Fire and Arrest Highland Man After He Fled the Scene

DATE/TIME: January 16, 2024, 1:03 P.M.

INCIDENT: PC 452(c ); Unlawful Setting of Fire

LOCATION: 26800 block of 5th Street, Highland, California

SUSPECT(S): James Brundage, 49-years-old, resident of Highland, Calfornia

VICTIM(S): Confidential

SUMMARY: On January 16, 2024, at about 1:03 p.m., deputies in Highland responded to a fully engulfed structure fire at an abandoned property, which was ultimately destroyed by the flames. Witnesses reported seeing suspects leaving the vacant house as it ignited and dispatch provided a suspect description to responding deputies.  A seach was conducted and after a thorough area check, deputies and detectives apprehended multiple people in the area of the fire.

Further investigation revealed James Brundage had occupied a vacant red tagged residence. Brundage was subsequently arrested in the area by deputies for California Penal Code 452(c ); Unlawful Setting of a Fire and was booked in jail.

Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact the Highland Sheriff's Station at 909-425-9793.  Callers wishing to remain anonymous should contact We-Tip at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463) or go to

Refer: Deputy T. Esquivel

Station: Highland Police Station

Phone No. 909-425-9793

Case No. 132500171

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Highland Police Department
26985 Base Line St
Highland, CA 92346

Emergency: 9-1-1

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