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Wilmington Police Department
Friday January 24th, 2025 :: 12:06 p.m. EST


Wilmington Police remind the public not to leave vehicles unattended while running:

In recent weeks, and amid winter weather and low temperatures, Wilmington Police have received several calls related to vehicles that have been stolen after being left unlocked and unattended while running and warming up.
Thefts like these are preventable, and police continue to remind motorists not to leave vehicles unattended while running, or while keys are left inside of the vehicle.
Police also encourage vehicle owners to avoid leaving valuables in plain sight, and to always turn off and secure vehicles whenever they are unattended.
Members of the public are also encouraged to contact police to immediately report any suspicious activity, including subjects checking car door handles or attempting to break into vehicles.

Wilmington Police Department
300 N Walnut St
Wilmington, DE 19801

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 302-654-5151

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