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City of Duarte
Tuesday January 28th, 2025 :: 12:58 p.m. PST


Lario Park Processing Town Hall - Wednesday, January 29

Senator Susan Rubio, local Mayors, and elected officials, invite you to a Town Hall on Wednesday, January 29 starting at 6 PM at the Duarte Performing Arts Center (1401 Highland Avenue) to hear from the United States and California Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA), regarding the EPA designating Lario Park as a processing site for Eaton Fire hazardous material. We stand with our community to ensure proper accountability and transparency from our state and federal agencies.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Senator Susan Rubio at (626) 430-2499.

City of Duarte
1600 Huntington Dr
Duarte, CA 91030

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-357-7931

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