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Pomona Police Department
Wednesday January 29th, 2025 :: 10:44 p.m. PST


UPDATE: ALL Lanes of Foothill Blvd. are NOW OPEN

UPDATE:  January 29, 2024   10:40 PM

ALL Lanes of Foothill Blvd. are NOW OPEN

Thank you for your patience

DATE:  Wednesday January 29, 2024

TIME:  7:50 PM

LOCATION:  Foothill Blvd. between Garey Ave. and Sumner Ave.

NARRATIVE:  Please avoid the area of Foothill Boulevard between Garey Avenue and Sumner Avenue.  A Traffic Collision investigation is currently being conducted.  Please use an alternate route.

Notifications will be sent out when Foothill Boulevard is re-opened 

Pomona Police Department
490 W Mission Blvd
Pomona, CA 91766

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-620-2155

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