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Morristown NJ Police Department
Friday February 7th, 2025 :: 09:37 a.m. EST


Cupid's Chase 5K, Saturday 02/08

On Sautrday, 02/08, Morristown will again host the annual Cupid's Chase 5K road race event.  This event is presented by Community Options and is part of a nationwide effort to raise money and awareness for individuals with disabilities.  The 5K will impact several roadways in Morristown on Saturday morning, as the course is closed to vehicles while the participants are running in the roadway.  The event launches from the Daily Plan It on Speedwell Ave., adjacent to St. Margaret's Church, and will traverse Early St., Mills St., and across Sussex Ave. into the Cutler Park neighborhood.  All of these streets will feature a brief closure for the event.  Please see the attached race course map for reference.  The roadways will open as the runners clear the course, and all roadways will be open by 1130 am, give or take a few minutes on either end.  Uniformed officers will be on hand to assist.  We thank you for your cooperation with this event, and please go to the link below for additional information on the race.  

Cupid's Chase 5K Morristown

Morristown NJ Police Department
200 South St
Morristown, NJ 07960

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-538-2200

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