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West Windsor Police Department, NJ
Sunday February 9th, 2025 :: 09:22 a.m. EST


Notice to Residential or Business Alarm Owners: It is that time of year again, please register or renew your alarms.(See link for details)

According to the Township ordinance regulating alarm systems (Chap. 34), any type of alarm activating equipment that is monitored by an alarm company and provides warning of burglary, intrusion,
fire, flood, or other potential for harm to life or property must be registered with the West Windsor Police.  An annual fee in the amount of $25 must accompany each required alarm registration application. Any alarm device or alarm system installed, that is not currently registered with the Police Division, needs to be completed by March 31, 2025. To obtain a printable renewal or new alarm application go to the WWPD website: and click on “Registrations”. You can also call or stop in the Records Department to obtain an Alarm Registration form.

Please mail the alarm application/payment to: West Windsor Police Records Dept. P.O. Box 38, West Windsor, N.J. 08550. Check or money order must be made payable to: West Windsor Township. To
submit in person, a drop off box for Alarm payments is located inside the Police Headquarters lobby area. The address is: 271 Clarksville Road/open 24 hours. No On-line or electronic payment is available at this time. If you have any questions, please contact the Records Department at 609-799-9282 or email ALARMS@WESTWINDSORPOLICE.COM .

This is a mass email message on the Nixle system. This message was sent to all who signed up to receive the West Windsor Township Nixle communication notice. Please disregard the notice if you do not live in the Township, or the alarm renewal was already paid in 2025. If your alarm system is not active and still registered with Police Department, you must call to be removed from the alarm registration data file.

West Windsor Police Department, NJ
271 Clarksville Rd
West Windsor Township, NJ 08550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 609-799-1222

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