Byram Township Natural Gas Update
Byram Township Natural Gas Update 
Byram Township Natural Gas Update
Natural gas continues to be deployed in Byram Township by both New Jersey Natural Gas and Elizabethtown Gas. New Jersey Natural Gas services the southern portion of the Township (East and West Brookwood, Route 206, and Lake Lackawanna). The remaining areas of the Township are serviced by Elizabethtown. The following is the current deployment status summarized by company.
New Jersey Natural Gas:
Mainline installation is completed in Phase 1 (West Brookwood, Route 206, and Waterloo Road area) and in Phase 2 (East Brookwood). Individual services connections are continuing in both areas.
Phase 3 is expected to start in the spring of this year which includes Route 206 north to Shop-Rite Plaza, Lackawanna Drive to the Byram Schools and just south of Lake Lackawanna. The map attached presents each phase.
If you are interested in receiving service contact New Jersey Natural Gas at: 1.848.206.8340
Elizabethtown Gas:
Final sections of mainline installation continue in Forest Lakes reservation which includes Forest Lakes Drive, Hemlock Road and Woodlawn Drive. Individual service lines are being scheduled and completed within the Forest Lakes reservation as resident’s signup for service.
Service connections are continuing on Tamarack Road, Little Paint Way area, Hunters Lane, Manu Trail and Colby Drive.
Individual service connections on the north end of the Township are continuing provided that you are not located on a recently paved road that is subject to a five-year moratorium prohibiting non-emergent road openings.
Currently, there is no commitment for the extension of natural gas by Elizabethtown to any other areas of their service territory.
If you are interested in receiving service contact Elizabethtown Gas at: 1.844.886.8488.
Township Road Projects:
Due to the deployment of natural gas and other projects requiring utilities to open Township Roads, the Township’s road resurfacing program has been in a constant state of change. This year we are targeting the following roadways in the Township for milling and paving.
- Cascade Avenue, Sussex Street, Lauren Court – New Jersey Natural Gas territory.
- Anderson Lane, Ascot Lane, Mara Lane, Matthew Drive, Carlson Lane, Mountain Heights, Mountain View Terrace, Circle Drive, and Birch Parkway – Elizabethtown Gas territory
Please note that any home that is not connected to the natural gas utility prior to May 31, 2025, will not be able to connect to the gas utility again until after 2030 as a FIVE-YEAR moratorium prohibiting non-emergent road openings will be in effect.
The deployment of natural gas in Byram Township has been requested and supported by the Township’s residents. The Township has been very fortunate to have this valuable resource installed in many of the Township’s communities which means that residents now have the opportunity to connect to safe, reliable, affordable natural gas.
It is understood that during the construction phases of the projects, it will create inconveniences that that the Township continues to mitigate by working closely with the gas companies and their contractors.
Unless otherwise announced, all roads are to be open to local traffic including buses, garbage trucks and other delivery vehicles.
Unless otherwise announced, all roads are to be open to local traffic including buses, garbage trucks and other delivery vehicles.
If you have any general questions, please contact the Byram Township Offices at (973) 347-2500 or the nonemergent number of the Byram Township Police Department (973) 347-4008 for any matters regarding traffic concerns.
Please be reminded that if questions or concerns are not directed to the attention of the Township staff, we are unable to take action to address them in a timely manner.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.
10 Mansfield Dr
Stanhope, NJ 07874
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-347-2500