POWER OUTAGE: 4,416 Novato Customers Affected. Treat Traffic Lights Without Power Like 4-Way Stop. 
Reported 8:54AM - Per PG&E, there is an unplanned outage in Novato. PG&E is evaluating the electrical system to identify damaged sections and make necessary repairs in order to safely turn the power back on.
Estimated Restoration Time: 2/18 @ 1:30 PM
Outage Updates: https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/outage-tools/outage-map/
Traffic Safety: Traffic signals in outage areas are out. Proceed through the intersection with caution. Treat like a 4-way stop. Drive safe.
Only call 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Novato Police, CA
909 Machin Ave
Novato, CA 94945
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 415-897-4361
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP NOVATO followed by your message, to 888777