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City of Hoboken, NJ
Wednesday March 12th, 2025 :: 11:15 a.m. EDT


Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla delivers final State of the City Address

Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla delivered his final State of the City Address on Tuesday, March 11, at the Mile Square Theatre, reflecting on his tenure since taking office in 2018 and outlining his vision for the future of Hoboken.

Bhalla highlighted key achievements, progress on major initiatives, and the future opportunities that remain for the Mile Square City.

Key topics in this year’s address included:

  • Vision Zero Progress - Hoboken has not had a single traffic-related death in eight years, reinforcing its status as a national model for traffic safety for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists but the City’s work is not done as it plans to update the Vision Zero Action Plan this year with a focus on the behaviors that lead to traffic injuries.
  • Climate Resiliency & Infrastructure - Updates on Rebuild by Design, flood mitigation efforts, and the City’s expanding green infrastructure including the expansion of the Southwest Resiliency Park which will open this year and detain 500,000 gallons of stormwater and Maritime Park which will make the waterfront publicly accessible with a variety of active and passive amenities.
  • Affordable Housing & Smart Growth - Progress on expanding affordable housing options and inclusive development including the Northend Redevelopment plan, over 200 units of affordable housing set to be constructed in the next five years, as well as plans for both affordable and workforce housing at the Garage B site.
  • Public Safety & Community Engagement - Investments in first responders and new initiatives to strengthen police-community relations including plans for a new Community Policing Bureau for on-street foot patrols.

“As I delivered my final State of the City address, I felt incredibly grateful for the trust and partnership of our residents in building a safer, more sustainable, and more equitable Hoboken,” said Mayor Bhalla. “From achieving eight years without a traffic fatality to making historic investments in resiliency and infrastructure, we’ve accomplished so much together. I was proud to reflect on our journey and share the steps we must take to ensure Hoboken continues to thrive for generations to come.”

The event was open to the public, and a livestream was available on the City of Hoboken’s YouTube page. It can be viewed in full at

To read the speech, go to

City of Hoboken, NJ
94 Washington St
Hoboken, NJ 07030

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