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Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
Sunday March 16th, 2025 :: 10:12 a.m. EDT


UPDATE: As of 9:45 a.m. today March 16, 2025, HHI St. Patrick's Day Parade has been canceled

UPDATE: As of 9:45 a.m. today March 16, 2025, HHI St. Patrick's Day Parade has been canceled per Town of Hilton Head.

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Reminder that the 40th annual Hilton Head Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade is today, March 16, 2025, on the island’s south end starting at 2 p.m. along Pope Avenue.

Please be advised of parade details, road closures and detours.

Parade Information

  • Parade Route – Starts at Lowcountry Celebration Park/Coligny Beach Parking area and turns left onto Pope Avenue. From Pope Avenue, the route will turn left onto Office Park Drive and end at the Courtyard Building/Park Plaza.
  • No parking is available near the parade staging area located at the Coligny Beach Parking Lot. Only vehicles entered and participating in the parade may enter.
  • Entrance to the staging area must be made from the westbound lane of South Forest Beach Drive.
  • All parade participants must be in the staging area by 12:00 p.m.
  • Parade participant drop-offs – Entrance of Lowcountry Celebration Park.
  • Spectators may utilize The Breeze Trolley. It will run 1-way trips from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. from USCB Hilton Head to the area of Lowcountry Celebration Park.
Road Closures and Detour Information
  • At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, members of the Sheriff’s Office will begin placing cones and barricades along Pope Avenue. From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the following will be closed to traffic or re-routed:
  • Parade Route – No vehicles will be allowed to travel on the eastbound lanes of Pope Avenue. Traffic is rerouted.
  • Sea Pines Circle – both lanes of traffic onto Pope Avenue will be closed to thru traffic.
  • College Center Drive and Office Way traffic will be rerouted to Office Park Road and will only be able to exit onto Greenwood Drive. Traffic will not be able to exit onto Pope Avenue.
  • Access to Shipyard Gate on Pope Avenue is closed. No vehicles will enter the route off of Cordillo Parkway.
  • Traffic from Lagoon Road to Pope Avenue will only be able to make a right-hand turn.
  • Vehicles who must travel from New Orleans Road to the Coligny Circle will be able to do so; however, all thru traffic will be rerouted to the westbound lanes of Pope Avenue only. All eastbound lanes are closed to parade.
For additional information about the parade, please visit:

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
2001 Duke St
Beaufort, SC 29902

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 843-255-3200

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