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Blount County
Monday March 17th, 2025 :: 09:07 a.m. CDT


New Mass Notification System!

Blount County is moving to a new Mass Notification Platform on April 4th! As of April 4th you will no longer recieve Nixle alerts on Severe Weather, Road Closures, and many other updates! Please make sure to sign up to our new platform. 

We have several ways to sign up and we have them below! 

Text "Join BlountCounty" to 31002, this is very case sensitive so make sure to text just as it is seen above using the capital letters with a space after "Join" and NO SPACE between "BlountCounty"

There is also this web link you can use just simply click or copy and paste it!

And we have even added our welcome flyer with a QR code for you to scan as well. We hope you subscribe to our new platform so we can continue to keep you updated!

Blount County
220 2nd Avenue East
Oneonta, AL 35121

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 205-625-4121

TEXT-A-TIP -  Text TIP BLOUNT followed by your message, to 888777

Submit an anonymous web tip

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