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El Cerrito Police Department
Friday March 21st, 2025 :: 05:00 p.m. PDT


El Cerrito Police Department crime blotter from March 9th – March 15th.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito. It does not include all crimes. It also does not include non-criminal events such as missing persons, traffic collisions, non-criminal deaths, non-criminal disputes, nor many other police activities that do not result in arrest.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito March 9th to March 15th
March 9th
Battery / Battery on a Peace Officer - 240 El Cerrito Plaza (Melodee):
At 1:37 AM, officers responded to the business for a report of a battery. Upon arrival, the suspect was located and placed under arrest. During the arrest, the suspect committed a battery on the officer.
Trespass – 1300 Block of Liberty St.
At 9:02 AM, an officer reports the suspect was squatting inside of a vacant unit.
Shoplift – 1000 El Cerrito Plaza (Lucky):
At 2:23 PM, an officer accepted the Citizen’s Arrest of two juvenile suspects for shoplifting. The third juvenile was detained and later released. The two juvenile suspects were booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released to their parents.
Commercial Burglary - 10636 San Pablo Ave. (24-Hour Fitness):
At 12:03 AM, an officer reports a suspect cut the victim’s lock off their locker and stole property.
Stolen Vehicle - Santa Clara Ave. / Lassen Ave.
At 1:56 AM, a victim reports a suspect stole their vehicle. Officers located the vehicle damaged and abandoned several blocks from the victim’s residence.
Auto Burglary - 7000 Block of Curry Ave.
At 4:49 AM, an officer reports three suspects broke into the victim’s vehicle and stole property.

March 10th
Battery – 11450 San Pablo Ave. (Safeway):
At 11:12 AM, an officer reports store security caught a suspect attempting to steal merchandise. In response, the suspect pushed the security guard and fled the scene prior to police arrival. 
Theft – 5900 block of San Diego St.
At 2:46 PM, the victim reported their license plates were stolen.   
March 11th
Criminal Threat – 5800 block of Alta Punta Ave.
At 8:50 AM, a victim reports that during a verbal altercation with a known suspect, the suspect threatened to harm the victim.
Commercial Burglary – 10125 San Pablo Ave. (Popeye’s):
At 9:12 AM, an officer reports that during the early morning hours, three suspects shattered a window to the business and ransacked the office. 
Stolen Vehicle – 7400 block Fairmount Ave.
At 9:04 AM, the victim reports their vehicle was stolen sometime overnight.
Shoplifting – 6000 El Cerrito Plaza (Marshalls):
At 8:54 PM, an officer reports a suspect stole items.
Petty Theft – 10636 San Pablo Ave. (24-Hour Fitness):
At 3:11 AM, a victim reports a suspect stole items from their unsecured locker.
March 12th
Robbery – 11450 San Pablo Ave. (Safeway):
At 8:16 AM, an officer reports the suspects threatened to shoot a security guard after they were confronted with stealing items. The suspects fled in a vehicle prior to police arrival.
Stolen Vehicle - 6400 block of Portola Dr.
At 9:58 AM, the victim reported their vehicle was stolen sometime overnight. 
Criminal Threats / Vandalism / Illegal Use of Pepper Spray –  410 El Cerrito Plaza (Verizon):
At 12:21 PM, an officer reports a suspect was escorted by security out of the store for loitering.  The suspect threatened to harm the security guard and shattered the glass window to the business. The suspect then pepper sprayed security and fled the area prior to police arrival.   
Petty Theft – 10636 San Pablo Ave. (24-Hour Fitness):
At 6:00 PM, a victim reports a suspect stole their e-Bike from in front of the business.
March 13th
Warrant Arrest – San Pablo Ave. / Wall Ave.
At 10:50 PM, officers conducted a pedestrian stop. During the investigation, officers found the subject had an outstanding warrant for their arrest.  The subject was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
Grand Theft – 11344 San Pablo Ave. (Dennys):
At 4:44 AM, an officer reports the suspect stole the victim’s briefcase and fled the restaurant prior to police arrival.
March 14th
Warrant Arrest – 11785 San Pablo Ave. (Launderland):
At 10:20 AM, officers responded to the business for a report on an unwanted subject. Upon arrival, officers located and detained the suspect. Officers conducted a records check of the suspect and found the suspect to have a warrant for their arrest. The suspect was arrested and released on scene with a citation.
March 15th
Petty Theft – 5600 block of El Dorado Ave.
At 8:31 AM, an officer reports a suspect stole the rear license plate off the victim’s vehicle sometime between 9:00 PM on 03/14/2025 and 6:00 AM on 03/15/2025.
Petty Theft – 8400 block of Buckingham Dr.
At 12:11 PM, the victim reports a suspect stole the victim’s registration tab sometime after June 2024.
Driving Under the Influence - San Pablo Ave. / Moeser Ln.
At 10:27 PM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During a DUI investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence. The driver was  arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released with a citation to a sober friend.

El Cerrito Police Department
10900 San Pablo Ave
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-237-3233

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