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City of Oneonta
Wednesday March 19th, 2025 :: 08:28 a.m. EDT


Market Street Improvements, Phase 2 Transit Hub - 3/24/25

Monday 03/24/2025, Boland’s will begin the work necessary to install the concrete wall cap on the retaining wall of the demolished parking structure. Working east to west.

Beginning 03/24 approximately 100’ of the temporary fencing at the east end of Water St. @ the turnaround, will be relocated on the roadway just north of the curb line. This will remain in place until the concrete has been placed and backfill is completed to this section.
Boland’s anticipates this to take a week and a half.

When complete this section will be removed from the roadway and the next 100’ section will be relocated, and the process will be repeated this way until wall cap has been placed to intersection of Chestnut St. Boland’s anticipates this work to take 4 weeks to complete.

The placement of concrete will happen from Water St. When dates have been established, additional notification will be forwarded.

This will require a concrete truck in the south lane of Water St. Impact will be minimal as vehicles will be able to pass on the north side of the roadway, this process should take approximately 1 hour at each occurrence. Every effort will be made to schedule this in the
early mornings, but this will rely on availability of the concrete supplier.

When this work is completed, peripheral work will continue with landscaping to the south side of the roadway and miscellaneous placement of benches and other specialty items.

Updates to this PSA will be issued as needed.

City of Oneonta
258 Main St
Oneonta, NY 13820

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 607-432-6450

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