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Town of Delhi
Wednesday March 19th, 2025 :: 10:26 a.m. EDT


Red Flag Warning until 08:00PM Wednesday

The National Weather Service in Binghamton has issued a Red Flag Warning for low humidity and gusty winds, which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening.

* Affected Area...Fire weather zone 210, the Leatherstocking zone.

* Timing...From noon until 8 PM today.

* Winds...South 14 to 22 mph with gusts of 25 to 35 mph expected.

* Relative Humidity...As low as 22 to 28 percent.

* Temperatures...68 to 74 degrees.

* Lightning...None

* Impacts...Any fires that develop in fine fuels will likely spread rapidly. There is a burn ban in place. Outdoor burning is strongly discouraged.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The eastern portion of the Leatherstocking Region will be a bit less conducive for fire spread compared to the western areas.



A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. A burn ban in New York State remains in effect until May 14th.

Town of Delhi
5 Elm St
Delhi, NY 13753

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 607-746-8696

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Alert Details

Severe - Significant threat to life or property
Expected - Responsive action SHOULD be taken soon (within next hour)
Likely (p > ~50%)
Meteorological (inc. flood)
Red Flag Warning

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