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El Cerrito Police Department
Thursday March 20th, 2025 :: 06:05 p.m. PDT


Suspicious Person Incident at Fairmont Elementary School

On Thursday March 20th at 12:35 pm, the El Cerrito Police Department received a report of a suspicious person outside of Fairmont Elementary School.  School officials stated that an adult male was standing on the sidewalk outside of the school on Eureka Avenue when he stuck his fingers through the fence and touched a student on their hair and neck.  After touching their neck, the man ran eastbound on Eureka Avenue towards Centennial Park.  School staff were on the playground and quickly notified a school administrator and the police department.  Officers arrived on scene in under two minutes, however they were unable to locate the suspect, and he remains outstanding. 
The victim and witnesses described the suspect as an older Asian Adult male wearing black clothing, a baseball cap, and a black N95 mask over his face. 

The police department is asking neighbors in that community to review their personal home security video surveillance recordings or automobile video recordings to see if the suspect is seen in the area around that time. 

The El Cerrito Police Department is working closely with school officials during this investigation to ensure the safety of the students and staff.  The police department will be providing extra patrols around the campus, and the district will be providing additional support and enhanced safety measures. 

If you have information about this investigation, please contact the El Cerrito Police Department at 510-237-3233 (non-emergency dispatch).  Anonymous tips can be left at 510-215-4435 or by email at

El Cerrito Police Department
10900 San Pablo Ave
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-237-3233

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