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Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
Friday March 21st, 2025 :: 09:01 p.m. EDT


Pimp & Human Trafficking suspect just taken into custody moments ago. SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN

Clayton County Police investigators have been working diligently on a Human Trafficking case.


It was discovered that a 20-year-old Atlanta woman had been victimized since approximately November 2024. 


On Friday, March 21, 2025, members of the Clayton County Police Department Human Trafficking Unit obtained warrants for the arrest of 40-year-old Brandon Pritchett for Human Trafficking, Pimping and Keeping a Place of Prostitution.


SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN activated the “Elite Fugitive Squad” and Pritchett was arrested moments ago.


Human trafficking is a serious issue. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to 


911-Clayton County Police Human Trafficking Unit.



Georgia Human Trafficking Task Force



Clayton County Sheriffs Office

Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
9157 Tara Blvd
Jonesboro, GA 30236

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-477-4479

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