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Trinity County Sheriff
Saturday March 22nd, 2025 :: 11:49 a.m. CDT


Groveton Water Update

March 22nd, 2025 11:00 AM 

Groveton Water Update

Water System Update- Saturda Morning Message from City Councilman Casey Anderson 

The pump in our main well has failed. When it came back on after the power outage, it was only pumping at half capacity. This pump is just two years old, so there is a strong possibility it was damaged by a power surge. It's also possible that when we restarted operations, we pulled too hard on the well, causing sand to enter the motor and burn it out. We won't know for sure until the pump is pullled and replaced. 

The well company is currently on site with a new pump and wiring harness. 

In the meantime, Pennington Water Supply is continuing to pump into out system to help keep water flowing. 

Trinity VFD and 356 VFD are working hard to keep the community restocked with water, and Trinity County Sheriff Woody Wallce along with the Sheriff's Department have been distributing water at the jail. 

This is a developing situation, but it underscores the same issue we've been facing- our system is fragile, and we don't have enough pumping capacity under our own control. We are operating hand to mouth, and the margin for error is small. 


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Trinity County Sheriff
209 West 1st Street
Groveton, TX 75845

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 936-642-0761

Alert Details

Minor - Minimal to no known threat to life or property
Expected - Responsive action SHOULD be taken soon (within next hour)
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
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Water Control Facilities

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