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SBSD - Headquarters
Monday March 24th, 2025 :: 04:47 p.m. PDT


Sheriff's Aviation Crews Conduct Technical Hoist Rescue to Extract Stranded Hiker from Devil's Backbone

DATE/TIME: Saturday, March 22, 2025, 2:10 p.m.

INCIDENT: Technical Hoist Rescue

LOCATION: Devil's Back Bone, Mt. Baldy, CA. 

VICTIM(S): Shawna Burger, 40-years-old, Resident of Calabasas 

SUMMARY: On Saturday, March 22, 2025, Shawna Burger contacted San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dispatch asking for assistance while hiking Mt. Baldy. Burger told dispatch she had gotten lost on the Devil's Back Bone trail. She had been hiking for several hours and was now stuck due to icy and treacherous terrain. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Aviation Unit was notified of Burger's condition.

The day shift patrol helicopter (40K1) responded to the area to locate Burger. The crew was able to locate Burger on the Devil's Back Bone trail near an elevation of 8,700 feet. The trail was approximately one foot wide and comprised of shale rocks, snow and ice. One side of the trail was against a steep rock face while the other side was a severe slope into a canyon. Burger was pressed against the rock face holding her dog with slick iced over snow on either side of her. She was wearing a light jacket, shorts and tennis shoes.  

Due to the potential for falling and Burger's lack of proper clothing, Sheriff's Helicopter Air Rescue 307 (AR307) was requested for a hoist rescue. The crew of AR307 responded to the mountain to attempt to rescue Burger. A rescue medic was hoisted down to Burger and after assessing the situation, was able to safely stand on the trail beside Burger. Burger was placed into a rescue harness before she and her dog were hoisted from the mountainside and brought to safety. 

The Sheriff's Department would like to remind anyone heading to the mountain regions for outdoor activities to be safe and prepared with adequate hiking gear, equipment, clothing, food, and water. Researching the area and weather forecast ahead of time can help with planning. Mountain conditions can be treacherous and can change drastically over a matter of minutes. Portions of the Mt. Baldy area are still closed from the recent Bridge Fire incident. Please look at appropriate references about the closures prior to hiking. The U.S. Forest Service can provide citations (up to $5,000) to those who trespass within the closed region.

Air Rescue 307 Crew (AR307): 
Pilot Deputy Daniel Futscher 
Crew Chief Deputy Lauren Abernathy 
Technical Rescuer / Fire Engineer Michael Demoff 
Air Medic Nurse Meagan Kimball 

40-KING-1 Crew (40K1): 
Pilot Corporal Paul Kowalski 
Tactical Flight Officer Deputy Jonathan Holt

Refer: Deputy Lauren Abernathy

Station: Emergency Operations Division - Aviation Unit

Phone No. (909) 252-4100

Case No. 032500763

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Headquarters
655 E 3rd St
San Bernardino, CA 92408

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-387-3700

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