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Dallas OEM TX

1500 Marilla
Dallas, TX 75201

Emergency: 9-1-1

  1. Advisory

    Entered: 11 years, 11 months ago

    The monthly siren test for April has been cancelled due to the unfavorable weather conditions forecast for today. More »

  2. Advisory

    Entered: 11 years, 12 months ago

    There is potential for strong to severe thunderstorms late this afternoon and early this evening across parts of North Texas from 4-8 pm.

  3. Community

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Don't forget to "Spring" forward this weekend. Saturday evening when you go to bed, set clocks ahead by 1 hour for Daylight savings time.

  4. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    The Office of Emergency Management will be re-testing the outdoor warning sirens at 3:00p.m. today. More »

  5. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    The City of Dallas will be testing it's Outdoor Warning sirens today at 12:00 p.m. More »

  6. Community

    Entered: 12 years ago

    As National Severe Weather Awareness Week begins, the American Red Cross is releasing its official Tornado App. More »

  7. Community

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Daylight Savings is next weekend. Change the batteries in your smoke alarms.Make sure your 72 hour kit is well stocked w/food & water.

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