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Upper Macungie Township Police Department
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 :: 01:10 p.m. EDT


Fireworks Laws

With the July 4th holiday upon us, many of our Upper Macungie Township residents will likely celebrate with fireworks. As most of our residents are aware, the laws governing the purchase of consumer fireworks were relaxed in 2017, making it legal for residents to purchase many fireworks that had been prohibited.

It is important to note that there are still laws in place restricting the usage of fireworks, even though the fireworks may have been legally purchased. Please take note of some of the following restrictions; however, this list should be used as a guideline and not considered all inclusive:

1. You must be at least (18) years of age to purchase consumer fireworks.

2. Fireworks may NOT be discharged within (150) feet of an occupied structure.

3. Fireworks may not be discharged from or at a motor vehicle.

4. Fireworks cannot be discharged by a person who is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance or another drug.

Again, please note this list is a guideline and not all inclusive.

We at the Upper Macungie Township Police Department wish everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July holiday.

As always, anyone who has any concerns regarding violations of the law may contact the Upper Macungie Township Police Department via the Lehigh County Communications Center-(610) 437-5252.

Upper Macungie Township Police Department
37 Grim Road
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 484-661-5911

Adam Miller
Criminal Investigations

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