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Upper Macungie Township Police Department
Friday September 13th, 2019 :: 11:28 a.m. EDT


The Upper Macungie Township Police Department has an important message for you! *BB&T Phone Scam*


Recently, the UMTPD has seen an upswing in a sophisticated BB&T Bank phone scam that is targeting local residents.

The scam, which has several minor variations, works like this: you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be a BB&T employee advising you that someone is attempting to access your account. This phone call may even be from a spoofed number that matches the customer service number on the back of your BB&T debit/credit card. In addition, the caller may even list some of your personal information, like your date of birth or address. He may also ask for your account pin number. The scammer then sends a text message with a pin code and asks you to repeat it back to him. During this process, the scammer accesses your account and drains funds.

In July, BB&T put out a statement regarding these scams:

"Recently, the financial services industry has identified a new scam where fraudsters use “spoofed” telephone numbers that change the caller ID to look like it originates from a bank. This “spoofing” scam is not limited to BB&T or the result of a BB&T data breach. This is an industry-wide attack. Fraudsters have been able to obtain consumer data in a variety of different ways and sources which have been highly publicized over the past few years. We continue to communicate with our clients that we will never ask for their “credentials” and they should never disclose their PINs. These communications are just one way we are trying to protect our clients. "

Residents are encouraged to follow these safety protocols, regardless of banking institution:

• Beware of suspicious calls, texts or emails requesting personal or sensitive account information
• Keep all passwords, PINs and one-time passcodes secret
• BB&T, for example, does NOT ask clients to verify their one time passcode, PIN, password or online banking credentials in an unsolicited phone call or text
• BB&T clients should report suspicious calls texts or emails claiming to be BB&T to 800-BANK-BBT (800-226-5228) or
• If a person has already provided information to a suspicious call, text or email contact your financial institution immediately

Lt. Peter Nickischer
Crime and Community Services Division Commander

Upper Macungie Township Police Department
37 Grim Road
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 484-661-5911

Lt. Peter Nickischer
Crime and Community Services Division Commander

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