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Upper Macungie Township Police Department
Friday November 15th, 2019 :: 04:08 p.m. EST


The UMTPD has an important message for you! *Coat Drive*


The UMTPD is proud to kick off our 2019 Coat Drive! Residents are encouraged to bring in new or gently used coats and jackets to UMTPD headquarters, located at 37 Grim Rd., Breinigsville. A donation bin will be located in our lobby and will be accessible to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This year's donations will be given to the Parkland C.A.R.E.S Food Pantry, who will distribute them to needy families in our region. We are very proud to partner with such a wonderful and giving charity!

Also, don't forget- we have a Marine Corps Toys for Tots bin in our lobby for new unwrapped toys, as well!

Have a GREAT weekend!

Lt. Peter Nickischer

Upper Macungie Township Police Department
37 Grim Road
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 484-661-5911

Lt. Peter Nickischer
Crime and Community Services Division Commander

37 Grim Rd
Breinigsville, PA 18031

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