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Upper Macungie Township Police Department
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 :: 09:41 a.m. EDT


Construction begins July 23rd on Penn Drive and Schantz Road. Plan alt. routes.

The UMTPD announces that construction will begin July 23rd on Penn Drive and Schantz Road. Expect delays and consider planning an alternative route. The project lasts through July 26th. Thank you and drive safe.

#Nickischer 20210714 0939 hrs. 

Upper Macungie Township Police Department
37 Grim Road
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 484-661-5911

Lt. Peter Nickischer
Crime and Community Services Division Commander

Schantz Rd
Breinigsville, PA 18031

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