- Thursday May 25th, 2023 :: 06:20 p.m. PDT
Join SCV Deputies for a #TipACop Fundraiser May 31st #LASD #SantaClarita 
Need an idea for dinner next week? Make plans for dinner Wednesday, May 31st at Slaters 50/50 in Valencia where SCV deputies will be guest servers to help raise money for the Special Olympics.
Stop by anytime between 4pm-7pm for this special event. All donations received from the #TipACop fundraiser will be donated directly to the Special Olympics Southern California athletes in LA County, so be sure to stop by and enjoy a delicious meal while supporting some amazing athletes.
Sent by: Deputy Natalie Arriaga
Public Information Officer
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
(661) 260-4000
Twitter @SCVSheriff- http://www.twitter.com/scvsheriff
SCV Station Homepage - http://www.santaclarita.lasd.org
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SantaClaritaValleySheriffsStation
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/scvsheriff/
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station polices the City of Santa Clarita and the unincorporated communities and a portion of the Angeles National Forest, as well as Bouquet Canyon, Canyon Country, Castaic, Gorman, Hasley Canyon, Newhall, Neenach, Sand Canyon, Santa Clarita, Saugus, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Sleepy Valley, Southern Oaks, Stevenson Ranch, Sunset Point, Tesoro del Valle, Valencia, Val Verde, West Hills and West Ranch.
Sheriff’s Information Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Hall of Justice - First floor
211 W. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Website LASD HQ: http://www.lasd.org
Recruitment LASD: http://www.careers.lasd.org
Follow LASD HQ via Text and Email: http://www.Nixle.com https://nixle.com/lasd---los-angeles-county-sheriffs-dept-information-bureau-sib/
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Alert LA County: Telephone emergency mass notification system- https://www.lacounty.gov/emergency/alert-la/
Text & Email, Register for LASD Nixle messages: To receive more detailed, up-to-date information via E-MAIL and/or TEXT directly from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), sign up for "Nixle" alerts at http://www.Nixle.com and register for "LASD – Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept Information Bureau (SIB)" AND your local LASD station area. Or, to receive URGENT TEXT ALERTS ONLY, text your zip code to 888777. Standard text messaging rates may apply depending on your calling plan.
Robert Luna, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
LASD - Santa Clarita Valley Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
26201 Golden Valley Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-260-4000
LASD - Santa Clarita Valley Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
26201 Golden Valley Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-260-4000
LASD - Santa Clarita Valley Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
26201 Golden Valley Rd
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-260-4000