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Highland Park Borough
Friday July 21st, 2023 :: 09:00 a.m. EDT


PSE&G Road Restoration Project Construction 7/24-7/28

The following roads are scheduled to be milled and/or paved next week by Crisdell Construction as part of PSE&G's road restoration project. If you normally park on one of the roads listed, please park somewhere else between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Avoid the impacted areas if possible, as the nature of the work will require road closures. Finally, take note of the road work to be performed on Woodbridge Avenue on 7/27 and 7/28. The work will be performed overnight from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. Although the work will take place in Edison, it will still impact the traffic flow in Highland Park. 

Monday 7/24-Tuesday 7/25 (Milling & Paving)
Duclos Ln between Duley Ave (Edison) and Woodbridge Ave
Parker Rd between Duclos Ln and Alcazar Ave

Wednesday 7/26 (Milling only. Paving scheduled for the week of 7/31)
Franklin St between Duclos Ln and Woodbridge Ave
Harvard Ave between Franklin St and Exeter St
Johnson St between S. Adelaide Ave and Cedar Ave
S. Adelaide Ave between Redcliffe Ave and Valley Pl

Thursday 7/27 & Friday 7/28 (Overnight work from 6p-6a)
Woodbridge Aveue between Duclos Ln and Crosby Ave (Edison)

***Note*** The schedule as provided by PSE&G is subject to change.


Highland Park Borough
Highland Park Municipal Building
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-572-3400

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