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South River Police Department
Thursday March 13th, 2025 :: 09:13 a.m. EDT


Notification & Social Media Options

The South River Police Department is reminding the community about how we communicate with our residents and the options available to receive information from us. To learn more about our social media efforts and for information on receiving NIXLE text message alerts, email alerts, and emergency phone notifications, continue reading below or visit

NIXLE Text & Email Alerts: NIXLE is a method to receive text message and email alerts sent from our department. These alerts are sent for important information such as road closures, utility disruptions, school closures, crime alerts, special events, weather alerts and more. On average, between 5 and 10 alerts per month are sent from our department. Non-urgent advisory notifications (special events, community alerts, pre-planned roadwork, or utility work, etc) are delivered via email only if you have an email address on file. If you do not have an email address on file, you will receive these advisory notifications via text message. Urgent alert notifications (weather alerts, unplanned road closures, utility outages, etc.) are delivered via both text message and email.

Emergency Phone Notifications: We use NIXLE emergency phone notifications occasionally for extreme circumstances and urgent notifications. They are NOT a replacement for NIXLE text and email notifications.
How do I enroll?

We encourage South River residents, visitors, businesses and their employees to subscribe to the above notification services. To subscribe, visit, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Sign Up” on the NIXLE message widget or access the sign up page directly at

When signing up for NIXLE notifications for a specific community, you are automatically enrolled to receive notifications from surrounding communities as well. By creating a user account at you can customize alert types and opt in for or out of alerts from specific communities.
Social Media

The South River Police Department continues to use social media to interact with our residents and keep them informed. Event photos, department news, special events information, crime alerts, traffic updates, road closures, and much more can all be found here.

You can find us on the following social media platforms:

Facebook (/SouthRiverPD): Our original social media platform remains the most active one we use. Information and content we share on all of our other social media accounts and NIXLE is also posted here, making this the one stop shop for everything.

X (formerly Twitter) (@SouthRiverPD): NIXLE alerts and some photos can be found here along with the occasional short informational post.

Instagram (@SouthRiverPD): Our Instagram page features select pictures from our department, informational & safety graphics, and special event announcements.

It is important to keep in mind that our social media is not constantly monitored but we do read comments and messages as soon as we can. Any incidents, concerns or requests for assistance should be reported by dialing 732-238-1000 for non-emergencies or 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.

In addition, follow the Borough of South River on Facebook and Instagram (@SouthRiverBorough) for borough related news, information, and event notices.

South River Police Department
61 Main St
South River, NJ 08882

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-238-1000

Submit an anonymous web tip

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